Compliant Materials for Drag Reduction of High-speed Submerged Bodies

  • N. Bane Jee Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam
  • P. Jayakumar Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam
Keywords: Compliant materials, drag reduction, hydrobionics, turbulent boundary layer, skin friction drag, compliant walls, underwater bodies, torpedoes, submarines, turbulence suppression mechanisms, drag


This paper briefly discusses the possibility of employing the compliant materials on underwater bodies for the drag reduction. Recent studies in the area of hydrobionics all-over the world have drawn the attention of hydrodynamicists for using the compliant materials on underwater body surfaces, similar to that found in fast aquatic animals like dolphins, towards achieving drag reduction and increased speeds of underwater vehicles and weapons'. Some basic principles of hydrohionics in drag reduction have been presented with special emphasis on the control of turbulent boundary layer characteristics of flow over the compliant material surfaces and induce delay in transition. Various researchers have estimated that the use of such compliant
material surfaces can lead to an overall drag reductton of the order of 10-12 per cent over drag of the rigid surface. This is a considerable drag reduction and should arouse keen interest among the underwater weapon and vehicle designers as the next stage of technological advancement in underwater hydrodynamic technology.
How to Cite
Jee, N., & Jayakumar, P. (2005). Compliant Materials for Drag Reduction of High-speed Submerged Bodies. Defence Science Journal, 55(1), 37-42.