A High Performance Parallel Approach to Delay Sum Beamformer in a Homogeneous Multicore Environment

Keywords: Underwater acoustics, Delay sum beamformer, Multicore processing, OpenMP, Sonar signal processing


A Cache-Aware Beamformer (CABF) algorithm for the DAS beamformer in a homogeneous multicore processor environment is presented. The context of the proposed algorithm is established by discussing the case for a refined multicore implementation of the beamformer algorithm for a sonar application. The algorithm is designed, implemented, and compared to a regular pthread multicore implementation and a standard OpenMP-based implementation, using arithmetic intensity as the metric. FMA implementations of the algorithms are carried out, and the CABF algorithm is shown to achieve a better arithmetic intensity. A 6000-element array is designed with a simultaneous forming of 200 beams to test the efficacy of cabf in a multicore platform. The results show a 73 % increase in GFLOPS for FMA operations. The performance of the beamformer algorithm for different data sizes is studied, and on average, a 36 % improvement in computational performance is achieved compared to the OpenMP-based implementation.

How to Cite
Narayanan, M. P., Gopal, G. V., & Rajesh, R. (2024). A High Performance Parallel Approach to Delay Sum Beamformer in a Homogeneous Multicore Environment. Defence Science Journal, 74(5), 755-762. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.74.19505
Naval Systems