Radiation Behavior of Synthesized LiTi Ferrite Based Microstrip Antenna in X Band

  • Dheeraj Kumar Department of Physics, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi - 110 015, India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6964-7748
  • Naveen Kumar Saxena Microwave Lab, Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra - 282 007, India
  • Bhoopendra Singh Microwave Lab, Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra - 282 007, India
Keywords: Substituted ferrite, Microstrip antenna, Switchable antenna, Miniaturization, Mutual coupling, X-band


The paper comprehensively explores the development, characteristics, and antenna applications of lithium titanium (LiTi) ferrite. Utilising a solid-state reaction technique, the study examines the substrate’s electrical, magnetic, and structural properties in detail. Additionally, it assesses the far-field radiation patterns of a magnetically-biased LiTi ferrite-based antenna. Key findings point to a noticeable reduction in mutual coupling and radiated power, along with an isotropic redistribution of minor side lobes. Comparative analysis with RT-duroid substrates in X band frequency spectrum highlights the LiTi ferrite-based antenna’s remarkable 62.85 % miniaturization and consistent directivity, along with a superior quality factor. These findings emphasise LiTi ferrite’s potential for compact, high-performance applications in demanding environments. LiTi ferrite’s advantages in miniaturisation and stability position it for specific applications, despite trade-offs in bandwidth, gain, and impedance compared to RT-duroid substrates.

How to Cite
Kumar, D., Saxena, N. K., & Singh, B. (2024). Radiation Behavior of Synthesized LiTi Ferrite Based Microstrip Antenna in X Band. Defence Science Journal, 74(5), 682-689. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.74.19437
Electronics & Communication Systems