Novel Selective Maintenance Approach to Ensure Mission Reliability of Armored Vehicles Considering Multiple Deployment Roles in Distinct Operating Profiles

  • Ram S. Mohril Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore - 453 552, India
  • Bhupendra S. Solanki Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076, India
  • Joydeep Majumdar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore - 453 552, India
  • Bhupesh K. Lad Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore - 453 552, India
  • Makarand S. Kulkarni Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076, India
Keywords: Military maintenance, Mission reliability, Selective maintenance optimization


Given the gravity of the element of surprise in modern warfare, military forces worldwide are constantly attempting to achieve and maintain operational readiness of their critical military equipment. Selective Maintenance (SM) is considered an effective approach for achieving system operational readiness. Effective use of the SM approach for military equipment requires considering various military-specific factors such as multiple deployment roles, distinct operating profiles, human reliability, and the use of refurbished or non-OEM spares. This makes the SM approach for military systems very challenging. This paper presents an approach that formulates the SM problem intending to achieve and maintain the required level of operational readiness for predefined future missions from a military viewpoint. This approach employs a novel methodology that estimates the mission reliability of military equipment while modeling the combined impact of several important military-specific factors. This complex yet necessary integration of various military-specific factors makes the present approach accurate and apt to the exact modus operandi of the armed forces. The developed approach is demonstrated for the maintenance of armored vehicles deployed on distinct missions under different operating conditions. Numerical investigations illustrate the efficacy of the present approach and highlight its advantages over the conventional maintenance approach.

How to Cite
Mohril, R. S., Solanki, B. S., Majumdar, J., Lad, B. K., & Kulkarni, M. S. (2024). Novel Selective Maintenance Approach to Ensure Mission Reliability of Armored Vehicles Considering Multiple Deployment Roles in Distinct Operating Profiles. Defence Science Journal, 74(4), 447-459.
Combat Engineering