A Predictive Model with Data Scaling Methodologies for Forecasting Spare Parts Demand in Military Logistics

  • Jae-Dong Kim Korea Institute for Defence Analyses (KIDA), Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Ji-Hwan Hwang Defence Agency For Technology and Quality (DTaQ), Busan, Republic of Korea
  • Hyoung-Ho Doh Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hannam University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea https://orcid.org/0009-0005-3764-8307
Keywords: Spare parts, Demand forecasting, Deep learning, Data scaling learning model, Military logistics


This study addresses the challenge of accurately forecasting demand for maintenance-related spare parts of the K-X tank, influenced by high uncertainty and external factors. Deep learning models with RobustScaler demonstrate significant improvements, achieving an accuracy of 86.90% compared to previous methods. RobustScaler outperforms other scaling models, enhancing machine learning performance across time series and data mining. By collecting eight years’ worth of demand data and utilising various consumption data items, this study develops accurate forecasting models that contribute to the advancement of spare parts demand forecasting. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach, showcasing its superiority in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. RobustScaler particularly excels in time series analysis, further emphasizing its potential for enhancing machine learning performance on diverse datasets. This study provides innovative techniques and insights, demonstrating the effectiveness of deep learning and data scaling methodologies in improving forecasting accuracy for maintenance spare parts demand.

How to Cite
Kim, J.-D., Hwang, J.-H., & Doh, H.-H. (2023). A Predictive Model with Data Scaling Methodologies for Forecasting Spare Parts Demand in Military Logistics. Defence Science Journal, 73(06), 666-674. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.73.19129
Computers & Systems Studies