Dynamical Analysis of Jettison Piloting for Air Bomb with Bomblets

  • Zhang Qi Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
  • Wei Kezhen Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
  • Dang Haiyan Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
Keywords: Air bomb, air-delivered weapon, retarding parachute, weapon with submunitions


The main parachutes drawn down by a pilot parachute is the generally used method of the
jettison of air bomb with bomblets and their interaction process is the basis and key for the
bomb projection. A mechanical model loaded by the string of pilot parachute is theoretically
established, and under different projection velocities, the design method of the length and strength
for the string of the pilot parachute is suggested. The results show that for a certain 500 kg air
bomb, if the projection velocity is 222 m/s and the strength of the string is 5000 N, the length
of the string 3 m cannot meet the requirement.
How to Cite
Qi, Z., Kezhen, W., & Haiyan, D. (2006). Dynamical Analysis of Jettison Piloting for Air Bomb with Bomblets. Defence Science Journal, 56(2), 295-303. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.56.1892
Aeronautical Systems