Analytic Model of Capture Probability for Salvo of Two Electromagnetic Launched Anti Torpedo Torpedoes

  • Baoqi Wu National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan - 430 033, China
  • Xiaocun Guan National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan - 430 033, China
  • Shaohua Guan National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan - 430 033, China
Keywords: Electromagnetic launch, Anti-torpedo torpedo, Analytic model, Salvo of two ATTs


To pre-estimate the capture probability of electromagnetic coil salvo two anti-torpedo torpedoes (ATTs), an analytic model is proposed. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors, including the target position dispersion of the incoming torpedo, the entry point’s dispersion of the electromagnetic launched ATT, the underwater tracking speed and heading error of the ATT, and the differences between the salvo and single launch mode, a single integral analytic model of the capture probability is established. The course errors of the ATTs are comprehensively calculated utilizing search model, and the search boundaries of the two ATTs are calculated using the geometric method, taking the optimal searching course of the virtual single launch ATT as the desired searching course of the parallel salvo of the two ATTs. The calculation results of the proposed analytic model are consistent with the statistical results of the Monte Carlo approach through simulation comparison and analysis. The proposed analytic model’s consequences for decision-making and effect assessment are discussed.

How to Cite
Wu, B., Guan, X., & Guan, S. (2024). Analytic Model of Capture Probability for Salvo of Two Electromagnetic Launched Anti Torpedo Torpedoes. Defence Science Journal, 74(4), 592-600.
Naval Systems