Normal Approximation to a Sum of Geometric Random Variableswith Application to Ammunition Stockpile Planning

  • W.J. Hurley Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario K7K7B4
  • W.S. Andrews Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario K7K7B4
Keywords: Defence planning, defence planners, single-shot kill probability, ammunition stockpiles, direct-fire weapon systems, DF Opstock


The normal approximation for a sum of geometric random variables has been examined. Thisapproximation is relevant to the determination of direct-fire ammunition stockpile levels in adefence setting. Among the methodologies available for this assessment, one is a target-orientedmethodology. This approach calculates the number of rounds necessary to destroy a givenfraction of the enemy force and infrastructure. The difficulty is that the number of rounds requiredcannot be determined analytically. An obvious numeric approach is Monte Carlo simulation.Another is the approximation approach which has several advantages like it is easy to implement.and is accurate even in the case where the number of targets is low.
How to Cite
Hurley, W., & Andrews, W. (2007). Normal Approximation to a Sum of Geometric Random Variableswith Application to Ammunition Stockpile Planning. Defence Science Journal, 57(5), 733-737.
Computers & Systems Studies