Design and Simulation of Extended Interaction Cavities for a Ka band Multi beam Klystron

Keywords: Cavity resonator, Multi-beam Klystron, RF cavity, Extended interaction Klystron, Ka-band, Quality factor, Shunt impedance


This article reports about the design approach, electromagnetic simulation and analysis results of high-frequency ladder-type input, output, and intermediate RF cavaties for Ka-band multi-beam extended interaction klystron. Several parameters of the cavity, such as quality factor, shunt impedance, etc., have been investigated by the assistance of electromagnetic software CST microwave studio.

How to Cite
Maity, S., Kumar, M., Koley, C., Pal, D., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2021). Design and Simulation of Extended Interaction Cavities for a Ka band Multi beam Klystron. Defence Science Journal, 71(03), 320-323.