Blockchain Enabled Reparations in Smart Buildings Cyber Physical System
Blockchain technology is evolving across the globe and is being looked upon as a definite part of the future. Blockchain is often associated with bitcoin and finance’s domain. But over the last decade, this backend technology to bitcoin has spread its association in almost all domains that we can think of. Further to this, smart contracts are making the blockchain ecosystem better. Other evolving technologies like Internet-of-things, Industrial Internet-of things, Cyber physical systems are also making their onset on the global platform. Smart buildings link Internet of-things connectivity, sensors and the cloud to remotely supervise and assure efficient heating- air conditioning, lighting and security systems etc to improve efficiency and overall sustainability. The global buildings sector over the next 40 years is expected to add 230 billion square meters of fresh construction, i.e., adding the equivalent of Paris every week. Thus integrating these technologies right at the onset, before they grow in isolation, is a coveted need today. This paper proposes a prototype to simulate architecture and discusses how blockchain-enabled smart buildings can further expedite automation, security and transparency. For an apprehension purpose, the paper focuses on smart contracts enabled repairs and service in smart buildings.
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