Series Resistance of Silicon Millimeter Wave (Ka-band) IMPATT Diodes

  • Tapas Kumar Pal Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad–500 069
Keywords: Conductance, IMPATT diode, series resistance, small signal, susceptance


The paper describe a computer-based method to calculate the series resistance Rs of a millimeter wave Ka-band packaged IMPATT diode from small signal conductance-susceptance characteristics. The series resistance Rs has been calculated at the threshold condition when the small signal conductance of the packaged diode just becomes negative and the device susceptance becomes positive. Again, the value of series resistance Rs has been determined from the measurement of threshold current and threshold frequency with the silicon Ka-band IMPATT diode embedded in a resonant cap cavity which agrees well with the values obtained by the computer method.
Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(2), pp.189-193, DOI:
How to Cite
Pal, T. (2009). Series Resistance of Silicon Millimeter Wave (Ka-band) IMPATT Diodes. Defence Science Journal, 59(2), 189-193.
Research Papers