Algebraic Construction and Cryptographic Properties of Rijndael Substitution Box

  • Shristi Deva Sinha Institute for Systems Studies and Analyses
  • Chaman Prakash Arya Institute for Systems Studies and Analyses
Keywords: Advanced encryption standard, Rijndael, Rijndael algorithm, substitution box, cryptographic properties


Rijndael algorithm was selected as the advanced encryption standard in 2001 after five year long security evaluation; it is well proven in terms of its strength and efficiency. The substitution box is the back bone of the cipher and its strength lies in the simplicity of its algebraic construction. The present paper is a study of the construction of Rijndael Substitution box and the effect of varying the design components on its cryptographic properties.

Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.32-37DOI:

Author Biographies

Shristi Deva Sinha, Institute for Systems Studies and Analyses
Mr Shristi Deva Sinha received his MSc (Mathematics) from University of North Bengal, Darjeeling. Currently, he is working as a Scientist in the Institute for Systems Studies & Analyses (ISSA), DRDO, Delhi. He has been involved in the analysis of naval weapon systems/procedures and cryptography.
Chaman Prakash Arya, Institute for Systems Studies and Analyses
Mr Chaman Prakash Arya received his MSc(Mathematics) from University of Delhi, Delhi. He is presently pursuing PhD in General Topology from University of Delhi. Currently, he is working as a Scientist in the ISSA, DRDO, Delhi. He has been
involved in the area of OLI evaluation of weapons and cryptography.
How to Cite
Sinha, S., & Arya, C. (2012). Algebraic Construction and Cryptographic Properties of Rijndael Substitution Box. Defence Science Journal, 62(1), 32-37.
Special Issue Papers