Pattern Programmable Kernel Filter for Bot Detection

  • Kritika Govind National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • Vivek Kumar Pandey National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • S. Selvakumar National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Keywords: Command and control, SpyEye exploit kit, WFP-windows filtering platform, kernel, zombie


Bots earn their unique name as they perform a wide variety of automated task. These tasks include stealing sensitive user information. Detection of bots using solutions such as behavioral correlation of flow records, group activity in DNS traffic, observing the periodic repeatability in communication, etc., lead to monitoring the network traffic and then classifying them as Bot or normal traffic. Other solutions for Bot detection include kernel level key stroke verification, system call initialization, IP black listing, etc. In the first two solutions there is no assurance that the packet carrying user information is prevented from being sent to the attacker and the latter suffers from the problem of IP spoofing. This motivated us to think of a solution that would filter out the malicious packets before being put onto the network. To come out with such a solution, a real time bot attack was generated with SpyEye Exploit kit and traffic characteristics were analyzed. The analysis revealed the existence of a unique repeated communication between the Zombie machine and the botmaster. This motivated us to propose, a Pattern Programmable Kernel Filter (PPKF) for filtering out the malicious packets generated by bots. PPKF was developed using the windows filtering platform (WFP) filter engine. PPKF was programmed to filter out the packets with unique pattern which were observed from the bot attack experiments. Further PPKF was found to completely suppress the flow of packets having the programmed uniqueness in them thus preventing the functioning of bots in terms of user information being sent to the Botmaster.

Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.174-179, DOI:

Author Biographies

Kritika Govind, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Ms Kritika Govind received her BE (Computer Sci. Engg) from Sakthi Marriaman Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in 2009. She is working as a Research Assistant at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. She is also pursuing her Master of Science (MS by Research) in Computer Science and Engineering at NIT, Tiruchirappalli. Her areas of interest include: Cyber security and network security.
Vivek Kumar Pandey, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Mr Vivek Kumar Pandey is pursuing his BE (Computer Sci. Engg) at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. He has a keen interest towards coding and his field of interest includes: Network
Security besides astrophysics.
S. Selvakumar, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Dr S. Selvakumar is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. He received his PhD from the Indian Institute
of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai in 1999. His research interests include group communication in high-speed networks, routing, multimedia communication, scheduling for QoS guarantee, mobile networks, network security, wireless sensor networks, and network computing. He has to his credit of publishing 54 research papers. He is currently the Investigator of the Collaborative Directed Basic
Research–Smart and Secure Environment (CDBR-SSE) Project sponsored by NTRO, Government of India, New Delhi. He is presently the member of All India Board of IT Education, AICTE, New Delhi.


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How to Cite
Govind, K., Pandey, V. K., & Selvakumar, S. (2012). Pattern Programmable Kernel Filter for Bot Detection. Defence Science Journal, 62(3), 174-179.
Computers & Systems Studies