Simplified Motion Control of a Vehicle manipulator for the Coordinated Mobile Manipulation

  • Swati Mishra Indian Institute of Technology, Indore - 453 552, India
  • Santhakumar Mohan Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad - 678 557, India
  • Santosh Kumar Vishvakarma Indian Institute of Technology, Indore - 453 552, India
Keywords: Vehicle-manipulator system, Kinematically redundant system, Resolved motion control, Operational space control


This paper considers a resolved kinematic motion control approach for controlling a spatial serial manipulator arm that is mounted on a vehicle base. The end-effector’s motion of the manipulator is controlled by a novel kinematic control scheme, and the performance is compared with the well-known operational-space control scheme. The proposed control scheme aims to track the given operational-space (end-effector) motion trajectory with the help of resolved configuration-space motion without using the Jacobian matrix inverse or pseudo inverse. The experimental testing results show that the suggested control scheme is as close to the conventional operational-space kinematic control scheme.


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How to Cite
Mishra, S., Mohan, S., & Vishvakarma, S. (2020). Simplified Motion Control of a Vehicle manipulator for the Coordinated Mobile Manipulation. Defence Science Journal, 70(1), 72-81.
Electronics & Communication Systems