Heavy Military Land Vehicle Mass Properties Estimation Using Hoisting and Pendulum Motion Method

  • M. S. Risby Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000
  • Khalis Suhaimi Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000
  • Tan Kean Sheng Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000
  • Arif Syafiq M. S. Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000
  • Mohd Hafizi N Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000
Keywords: Combat, Vehicle dynamics, Simulation, Kinematics, Vehicle stability


Mass properties such as the centre of gravity location, moments of inertia, and total mass are of great importance for vehicle stability studies and deployment. Certain parameters are required when these vehicles need to be arranged inside an aircraft for the carrier to achieve proper mass balance and stability during a flight. These parameters are also important for the design and modelling process of vehicle rollover crash studies. In this study, the mass properties of a military armoured vehicle were estimated using hoisting and pendulum method. The gross total weight, longitudinal and vertical measurements were recorded by lifting the vehicle using a mobile crane and the data were used to estimate the centre of gravity. The frequency of vehicle oscillation was measured by applying swing motion with a small angle of the vehicle as it is suspended on air. The centre of gravity and mass moment of inertia were calculated using the vector mechanics approach. The outcomes and limitations of the approach as discussed in details.

Author Biographies

M. S. Risby, Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000

Dr Risby Mohd Sohaimi obtained his MS (Engg) and PhD (Engg) from U niversiti Putra Malaysia. Currently working as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, National Defence University of Malaysia. His areas of specialisation include: High velocity impacts experimentation, blast resistance material and structures, armor design and finite element simulation subjected to ballistic and blast loadings.
Contribution in the current study, he initiated the work, contributed in the experimental work, design and analysis of data and preparation of the manuscript.

Khalis Suhaimi, Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000

Mr Khalis Suhaimi is currently pursuing his PhD (Engg) from National Defence University of Malaysia. His research interests include: Finite element analysis, optimisation, blast loadings and instrumentation system. Contribution in the current study, he has conducted the drawing, calculation and analysis of the experimental data and preparation of the manuscript.

Tan Kean Sheng, Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000

Dr Tan Kean Sheng obtained his MS (Engg) and PhD (Engg) from U niversiti Putra Malaysia. Currently working as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, National Defence University of Malaysia. His areas of specialisation include: Crashworthiness, finite element analysis and impact mechanics.
Contribution in the current study, he has contributed in the experimental work and preparation of the manuscript.

Arif Syafiq M. S., Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000

Mr Arif Syafiq obtained his MSc (Engg) from National Defence U niversity of Malaysia and currently working as an
Engineer at a local oil and gas company. His research interests include: Computational fluid dynamics, design of experiment and computer aided engineering.
Contribution in the current study, he have contributed in the experimental setup and data collection.

Mohd Hafizi N, Faculty of Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - 57000

Mr Hafizi Noordin is currently pursuing his MSc (Engg) from National Defence University of Malaysia. His research interests include: Finite element analysis, blast loadings and computer aided engineering.
Contribution in the current study, he have contributed in the experimental setup and data collection.

How to Cite
Risby, M., Suhaimi, K., Sheng, T., M. S., A., & N, M. (2019). Heavy Military Land Vehicle Mass Properties Estimation Using Hoisting and Pendulum Motion Method. Defence Science Journal, 69(6), 550-556. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.69.13478
Armaments & Explosives