Model Driven Combat Effectiveness Simulation Systems Engineering

  • Zhi Zhu National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, People R. China
  • Yonglin Lei National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, People R. China
  • Yifan Zhu National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, People R. China
Keywords: Metamodelling, Semantics, Model-driven engineering, Effectiveness simulation


Model-driven engineering has become popular in the combat effectiveness simulation systems engineering during these last years. It allows to systematically develop a simulation model in a composable way. However, implementing a conceptual model is really a complex and costly job if this is not guided under a well-established framework. Hence this study attempts to explore methodologies for engineering the development of simulation models. For this purpose, we define an ontological metamodelling framework. This framework starts with ontology-aware system conceptual descriptions, and then refines and transforms them toward system models until they reach final executable implementations. As a proof of concept, we identify a set of ontology-aware modelling frameworks in combat systems specification, then an underwater targets search scenario is presented as a motivating example for running simulations and results can be used as a reference for decision-making behaviors.


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How to Cite
Zhu, Z., Lei, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2020). Model Driven Combat Effectiveness Simulation Systems Engineering. Defence Science Journal, 70(1), 54-59.
Combat Engineering