SVD-based Method for Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Applied to SAR

  • Yu Chunrui National University of Defense Technology
  • Zhang Yongsheng National University of Defense Technology
  • Dong Zhen National University of Defense Technology
  • Liang Diannong National University of Defense Technology
Keywords: synthetic aperture radar, radio frequency interference suppression,


Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a special type of active microwave sensor, which has got a wide range of applications in remote sensing. However, the performance of SAR systems may be affected by radio frequency interference (RFI) in several geographic regions. A novel singular value decomposition method is proposed for radio frequency interference suppression applied to SAR. This method decomposes the singular vectors of the received signal with RFI into interference subspace and signal subspace. The orthogonality of the two subspaces is used to suppress the RFI. The point-target simulation is used to show the working principle of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results based on SAR real data are also shown to verify the proposed algorithm.

Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(2), pp.132-136, DOI:

Author Biographies

Yu Chunrui, National University of Defense Technology
Mr Yu Chunrui received his MS (Communication Engineering) from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China in 2007. He is currently pursuing PhD (Information and Communication Engineering) from NUDT. His research interests include : Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, SAR jamming and anti-jamming, and spacetime adaptive processing.
Zhang Yongsheng, National University of Defense Technology
Dr Zhang Yongsheng received his BE and PhD degrees in signal processing from NUDT, in 1999 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a Lecturer in the Institute of Space Electronic and Information technology, NUDT. His research interests include SAR system design, SAR jamming and anti-jamming, and space-time adaptive processing.
Dong Zhen, National University of Defense Technology
Dr Dong Zhen received his BE and PhD (Information and Communication Engineering) from NUDT in 1997 and 2001 respectively. He is currently a researcher in the Institute of Space Electronic and Information technology, NUDT. His research interests include SAR imaging and target detection, SAR jamming and anti-jamming, and radar signal processing.
Liang Diannong, National University of Defense Technology
Mr Liang Diannong graduated from Harbin Institute of Military Engineering, Harbin, China in 1958. He is currently working as a professor in NUDT. He has more than 50 years research experience in the field of adaptive signal processing, radar systems design, SAR imaging and target detection, and radar array processing.
How to Cite
Chunrui, Y., Yongsheng, Z., Zhen, D., & Diannong, L. (2012). SVD-based Method for Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Applied to SAR. Defence Science Journal, 62(2), 132-136.
Electronics & Communication Systems