Design and Analysis of New Shuffle Encryption Schemes for Multimedia
Securing the contents of visual data and multimedia requires specific design consideration for use in different applications. The major issue with this type of data has been occurrence of redundancy, at various places particularly in images, which makes data values repetitive at several places. The focus of this paper is on design of new shuffling schemes that can efficiently destroy redundancy in the visual data ensuring its secured transmission and distribution over public networks. Different variants of these shuffling schemes will be used as pre-processing schemes on multimedia data values especially in light weight devices using images. Standard as well as chaotic permutation and substitution schemes together with S-box rotation have been used to shuffle and map the plain data into random uncorrelated values via various variants of the presented schemes. For further improving the security, the processed data is encrypted using a computationally fast algorithm in its normal mode of operation. Security analysis using different types of images show that the proposed schemes satisfy the parameters required for securing visual contents even with very high redundancy.
Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.159-166, DOI:
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