Simultaneous Mapping and Localisation for Small Military Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

  • Arom Hwang Koje College, Gyeongsangnam-do
  • Woojae Seong Seoul National University, Seoul
Keywords: Simultaneous localisation and mapping, range sonar, unmanned underwater vehicle, unscented Kalman filter, towing tank experiment


Paper proposes a simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) scheme which is applicable to small military unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). The SLAM is a process which enables concurrent estimation of the position of UUV and landmarks in the environment through which the vehicle is passing. An unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is utilised to develop a SLAM suitable to nonlinear motion of UUV. A range sonar is used as a sensor to collect the relative position information of the landmark in the environment in which the UUV is navigating. The proposed SLAM scheme was validated through towing tank experiments about two degrees of freedom motion with UUV motion simulator and real range sonar system for small UUV. The results of these experiments showed that proposed SLAM scheme is capable of estimating the position of the UUV and the surrounding objects under real underwater environment.

Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(4), pp.223-227, DOI:

Author Biographies

Arom Hwang, Koje College, Gyeongsangnam-do

Dr Arom Hwang received his PhD from Seoul National University, Seoul Korea in 2007, and is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Koje College. His research areas include: Acoustic aid navigation system of underwater guided weapon, unmanned underwater vehicle, acoustic signal processing, SLAM, unscented Kalman filter.

Woojae Seong, Seoul National University, Seoul

Dr Woojae Seong received his MS from Seoul National University, Seoul Koreain 1984 and PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US in 1990, andis currently working as Professor in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. His research areas include: Sound propagation modelling, ocean sediment acoustics, reverberation and scattering modelling, model-based geoacoustic inversion and source localisation, underwater acoustic communication and instrumentation.

How to Cite
Hwang, A., & Seong, W. (2012). Simultaneous Mapping and Localisation for Small Military Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. Defence Science Journal, 62(4), 223-227.
Computers & Systems Studies