Spiritual Well Being A Protective Resource Among Youth of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Dharmeshwari Lourembam Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Leeyir Ete Department of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh - 791 112, India
Keywords: Purpose in life, Resilience, Spiritual well-being, Satisfaction with life, Positive affect, Negative affect


Modernisation of a nation, besides yieldingpositive outcomes, has also ushered in various negative constructs, one of the chief being the growth of spiritual threats. Spiritual well-being provides reasons for one’s existence,increases resilience and provides stability for an overall development of a healthy, secure nation. Therefore, risk to spiritual well-being has immense negative impact on the mental state of an individual, especially, the youth. The ingrained spirituality in the culture of Arunachal Pradesh working as a protective buffer, and the status of the students being an educated class give the tribal students of the state, a powerful role in shaping the future security and progress of the society. Considering this implication, the present paper tries to explore how spiritual well-being and its two dimensions, namely, religious and existential well-being, are related to satisfaction with life, positive affect, negative affect and resilience. The Spiritual Well-being Scale, The Satisfaction With Life Scale, Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule and The Brief Resilience Scale were administered to 100 university students, age ranging from 22-28 years. Results revealed that spiritual well-being was positively related to higher satisfaction with life, positive affect and resilience and negatively with negative affect. Implications of the studyhave also been discussed.

How to Cite
Lourembam, D., & Ete, L. (2021). Spiritual Well Being A Protective Resource Among Youth of Arunachal Pradesh. Defence Life Science Journal, 6(1), 30-36. https://doi.org/10.14429/dlsj.6.16658