A Comparative Weblink Analysis among Top Indian, Asian and World universities

  • Samir Kumar Jalal Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi - 835 215 E-mail: samirkumar@bitmesra.ac.in
Keywords: Weblink analysis, co-link analysis, Indian university, Asian universities


The article investigates the relationship among top ten world universities (TTWU), top ten Asian universities (TTAU) and top ten Indian universities (TTIU) based on the exploratory study of weblink analysis. Inlinks and outlinks analysis try to explore the relationship among these universities. The findings suggest that although TTIU are generating 3.71 % outlinks to TTWU but receives only 0.67 % inlinks from them. On the other hand, inlinks and outlinks to TTAU are far less than TTWU. An interesting result reflects that the percentage of inlinks and self-links for top ten Indian (30.51% and 69.49%) and Asian universities (31.45 % and 68.55 %) are less than top ten world universities (55.25% and 44.75%).


How to Cite
Jalal, S. K. (2013). A Comparative Weblink Analysis among Top Indian, Asian and World universities. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 33(2). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.33.2.4201