Web as a Learning Resource at the Medical College Libraries in Coastal Karnataka: Perception of Faculty and Students

  • Mahabaleshwara Rao Baikady
  • Mahesh V. Mudhol
Keywords: Coastal Karnataka, medical colleges, medical libraries, faculty, students, perception, Web resources, data analysis


Web resources have exploded in popularity and use and have lead to innovations in learning, teaching, clinical practice, and patient care. Availability of Web resources has changed what medical faculty and students actually read and use. However, little research has been done to find out medical faculty and students’ perception about the Web resources in the medical college libraries. The main aim of this paper was to investigate the perception of Web as a learning resource by the faculty members and postgraduate students in medical college libraries of Coastal Karnataka. A questionnaire-based survey of six medical college libraries in Coastal Karnataka was conducted. The results show that respondents prefer using the Web more to the traditional library. They perceived that Web contains exhaustive knowledge and is easy to use.http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/djlit.31.2.864
How to Cite
Baikady, M. R., & Mudhol, M. V. (2011). Web as a Learning Resource at the Medical College Libraries in Coastal Karnataka: Perception of Faculty and Students. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.31.2.864