Citation Analysis of PhD Theses in Sociology Submitted to University of Delhi during 1995-2010

  • K.P. Singh Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007
  • Ms Bebi Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007
Keywords: Citation analysis, citation studies, PhD theses, research productivity, sociology, University of Delhi


The paper presents citation analysis of PhD theses submitted in the discipline of sociology of the University of Delhi during 1995-2010. The study is based on the 5766 citations taken out from 25 PhD theses of sociology. The study presents analysis of several parameters like authorship pattern, forms of literature, country-wise scattering of citations, distribution of Indian and foreign citations and a ranked list of top 30 cited sociology journals. The study finds that highest number of citations was single authored (83.94 %), and 67.23 % citations were from books and only 22.20 % citations were from journals. The country-wise scattering of citations reveals that 2536 (45.52 %) citations were from India and it was followed by USA and UK.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2014, 33(6), pp. 488-493.


How to Cite
Singh, K., & Bebi, M. (2013). Citation Analysis of PhD Theses in Sociology Submitted to University of Delhi during 1995-2010. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 33(6).