Teacher Trainees’ Attitude Towards Information and Communication Technology

  • P. Annaraja
  • Nima M. Joseph
Keywords: Information and communication technology, Teaching process, EDUSAT


Kerala is the most literate state in India. Asper 2001 census, the effective literacy rate ofthe state was 90.22% as against 89.81% in1991. The percentage of women to the totalnumber of teachers significantly increasedduring the last five decades and reached 68% in 2002-03. It was only 50% in 1976-77. Atpresent there are 12271 schools in Kerala ofwhich 2608 are High Schools. Owing to thetimely measurers taken by the Government inimproving curriculum, methodology andadoption of new technology in teaching fieldthere is a slight decrease in the drop out rateduring the last five years which is an encouraging feature.


How to Cite
Annaraja, P., & Joseph, N. M. (2006). Teacher Trainees’ Attitude Towards Information and Communication Technology. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.26.2.3678