On Adopting Software Agents for Distributed Digital Libraries

  • Ch. Aswani Kumar
  • S. Srinivas
Keywords: Software agents, Electronic documents, Distributed artificial intelligence, Digital libraries, Traditional libraries


Digital Libraries (DLs) are an access to the collections of electronic documents over network. They serve the scientific community with large amount of electronic data and thereby increase the levels of education and literacy in the society. Software agents have been proved to be the best for the handling of distributed information. This paper surveys about the digital libraries and software agents and analyses the adoption of agents for various issues of distributed DLs.


How to Cite
Kumar, C. A., & Srinivas, S. (2003). On Adopting Software Agents for Distributed Digital Libraries. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.24.3.3625