Wireless Media: A New Paradigm

  • Ashwani Kush
Keywords: Wireless media, Mobile cellular networks, Mobile devices


In this review we have tried to represent knowledge about wireless media, which is fast emerging as a new area in the field of computer science. Wireless networks are emerging fast as latest technology, to allow users to access information and services via electronic media, without taking geographic position in account. Mobile hosts and wireless networking hardware are becoming widely available, and extensive work has been done recently in integrating these elements into traditional networks such as the Internet. We have tried to present the basic knowledge required for a layman to know about Wireless media starting from History to most current trends and trends still to come. This effort is a part of research work by authors in mobile computing. The review is divided into four parts as history, evolution of cellular networks, wireless devices and types of wireless media. A tabular representation based on comparative study is shown for wireless media attributes such as frequency range, cost, installation, bandwidth and node capacity, etc.


How to Cite
Kush, A. (2003). Wireless Media: A New Paradigm. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.23.3.3599