A Conceptual Model of Biomedical Network in DRDO

  • R. Chandra
  • D.C. Tiwari
  • R.K. Sharma
Keywords: Biomedical network, DRDO, Automated library, Biomednet


Easy and timely availability of comprehensive information catered to the specific needs of the user is the blood of R&D activities in biomedical field. For the successful accomplishment of the highly specialised, multidisciplinary programme, the necessity of having an advanced IT-oriented infrastructure is indisputable. The need to access current and relevant information transcends the boundaries of the libraries/technical information resource centres (TIRCs). Though many computer-assisted communication technologies are available, their provisioning requires a substantial commitment of resources in terms of staff expertise, computer hardware (H/W) and software (S/W) and training, which may not be adequately available at all TIRCs. Recognising the criticality of the need to access current biomedical information, the authors have conceptualised the establishment of an advanced informatics centre for biotechnology under 'Microbiology 2000' programme of the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO). The proposed facility is planned to be established with the technical and professional help from librarians, information technologists and subject specialists from life sciences laboratories of DRDO. The facility is visualised as a technology group that will perform the dual role of being the facility centre as well as the design centre. In the second phase of the proposal, the facility may be thrown open for commercial exploitation. Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS) can play a pivotal role in this cooperative effort for creation of this facility, which is expected to tremendously improve capabilities in information handling and customised services specially in the field of telemedicine.


How to Cite
Chandra, R., Tiwari, D., & Sharma, R. (2003). A Conceptual Model of Biomedical Network in DRDO. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 20(3). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.20.3.3516