Progression of Application Software in lndia

  • V. Raghuraman
Keywords: Application software, Indian defence, Information technology, Software companies


Growth in information technology (IT) in the past decade has changed the scenario worldwide and there is hardly any activity, that has not been affected by IT. It finds use in areas like home, business, public sector, financial services, defence, etc. A number of IT applications for the lndian Defence sector have been described in the paper. Several lndian companies have come forward to provide IT solutions for the lndian Defence. By collaborating with lndian software companies, the lndian Defence can gain several advantages without jeopardising its security, by taking appropriate security measures. This, in turn, will help and encourage the lndian software companies to become global players.


How to Cite
Raghuraman, V. (2003). Progression of Application Software in lndia. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 20(1&2).
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