Information Technology- A Force Multiplier Extraordinary

  • M.S. Vijayaraghavan
Keywords: Information technology, Information revolution, Military technologies, Information warfare


The paper highlights the role played by information technology (IT) in civil and military domains in equal measures to place IT in the category of force multiplier par excellence. It describes the various elements that constitute IT, i.e., sensors (for generating data), storage media (for preserving the data for further analysis), and data processing and dissemination of information using various technologies like advanced semiconductors, advanced high-end computers, fibreaptics, photonics, cellular technology, satellite technology, advanced networking, digital transmission and digital compression, etc. It gives an insight into the immense potential IT has as a force m~~ltiplieinr the battlefield as much as it dominates the social, cultural and economic fabric of a nation.


How to Cite
Vijayaraghavan, M. (2003). Information Technology- A Force Multiplier Extraordinary. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 20(1&2).
Special Issue on Visualising Libraries