National Document Delivery Service : A Proposal

  • M.N. Seetharaman
Keywords: Document delivery service, Information services


The concept of a national document delivery service (DDS), as we understand it today, had its origins during the World War 11 (1939-1945). During the War years, the allied nations, particularly the United States of America and the United Kingdom, set up a large number of R&D groups, established several new defence establishments to support the war efforts, and recruited a very large number of scientific and technical personnel to work on various defence projects.The 'discipline-oriented research', which was till then carried on in the universities and other academic institutions, was replaced by 'mission-oriented research', and the 'individuat research' by 'team research'.

How to Cite
Seetharaman, M. (2002). National Document Delivery Service : A Proposal. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 15(1).