Marketing of Information Products and Services

  • M.N. Seetharaman
Keywords: Marketing, Information products


It is universally recognised that information, particularly scientific and technical information, is one of the basic but invisible ingredients for the success of any organisation or enterprise. As an ingredient, information is like electrical energy and the impact of a reliable, current and fast information service will be as great as that of electricity on the socio-economic and industrial development of the country. lnformation is also an essential ingredient of change, and change is nothing other than the transformation resulting from a new contribution of data or the re-interpretation of existing data. Under development, in the final analysis, is no more than the consequence arising from the inability to generate information, to handle it properly, to store it and to distribute it equitably.

How to Cite
Seetharaman, M. (2002). Marketing of Information Products and Services. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 15(1).