Defence Science Journal Awards to Scientists

  • Director DESIDOC
Keywords: IASLIC special interest group meeting, workshop on UDC, library services, information dissemination


Forty-four scientists from DRDO and other civil institutions were given awards for the best papers, published in the Defence Science Journal (DSJ) during the last three years (1981-83). The 'Awards Presentation Function ' was held at the Metcalfe House Complex, Delhi on 24 Sept, 1984.

The Defence Science Journal is a research periodical of the Defence R&D Organisation, brought out by the Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIOOC). Delhi. It publishes original research papers and review articles in various disciplines of science, such as Aeronautics. Armaments, Electronics, Explosives, Naval Sciences, Food Technology, Natural Sciences, etc., with orientation to Defence needs. Dr VS Arunachalam, Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri and Secretary Defence Research, addressed the scientists before the award presentation function. He said that communication of the results of research is of most importance in this rapidly developing world of science. He also emphasised the need for patronising Indian Scientific Journals and to do away with the tendency for publishing papers only in foreign journals. Dr M Krishnamurthi, Chief Controller Research & Development gave away the awards to the scientists. Vice Admiral BG Mudholkar, IN AVSM, Chief Controller Research & Development presided over the function. Shri SS Murthy, Director, DESIOOC in his welcome address briefly referred to the scope and growth of the Journal and efforts made to improve the contents of the Journal during the last 2-3 years. The occasion provided a forum for close interaction between the scientists of various institutions and Defence scientists for promoting Defence Science in the country.

How to Cite
DESIDOC, D. (2002). Defence Science Journal Awards to Scientists. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 4(5).