Online Access to Unpublished Scientific Translations

  • Director DESIDOC
Keywords: Keywords, Training course on computer application, advisory service, translation bank, ISI committees


In recent years, the translations of scientific and technical documents have been gaining importance as a 'Source of information. Before 1980, only published translations, such as cover-to-cover, could be searched on-line because these were included in various national and international bibliographical data-bases along with other documents. Now unpublished translations can also be searched on-line. The International Translations Centre (ITC), Delft. Netherlands developed a data-base on translations (published and unpublished) known as WORLD TRANSINDEX DATA·BASE and made it available on-line since September 1980 as file·33 on ESAIIS (European Space Agency Information Retrieval Service) Frascati, Italy. The manual INFORMASCIENCE for operating World Transindex Data-Base is published jointly by the ITC and Central Nationale de La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Online information search on translations can be carried out by various approaches viz.,  target/source languages, source documents, year of publication, title, author, subject, etc.


How to Cite
DESIDOC, D. (2002). Online Access to Unpublished Scientific Translations. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 4(3&4).