Open Source Software for Library Services

  • Sunita Barve
  • N.B. Dahibhate
Keywords: Open source software, library services


Information and communications technology has played a major role in libraries. Libraries have now beencompletely dependent on providing new services to its users based on computer applications. Differentcomputer programs are available for libraries to provide range of services from library automation, librarywebsite management, knowledge management, digital library management to document editing. To manage vastamount of digital information, libraries need some computer applications which takes care of their requirements.These applications are generally developed by commercial vendors or are available under open source licenseterms and conditions. In the present paper, an overview of range of open source software available forvarious library services. Library professionals can effectively use these software to provide innovativeservices to their users and without involvement of any of large budgets.

How to Cite
Barve, S., & Dahibhate, N. (2012). Open Source Software for Library Services. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 32(5).
Special Issue on Visualising Libraries