Future of Library and Information Centres in Knowledge Socie

  • R.S.R. Varalakskhmi
Keywords: Knowledge society, future of libraries, knowledge professional, knowledge dissemination


The emerging trends in digital technologies and their applicability to information handling activities added new challenges to knowledge professionals in the way of providing qualitative services to its users. The paper analyses the characteristics of contemporary knowledge society and identified the factors affecting next generation libraries. Examined some of the significant issues in the present day Library and Information System (LIS) like its structure, collection strategy, preservation, access to information, technological issues and modes of communication, etc. It has identified the central role of knowledge professional, in the organisation and dissemination of knowledge, striking a balance of physical and virtual realms.


How to Cite
Varalakskhmi, R. (1). Future of Library and Information Centres in Knowledge Socie. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 29(2), 75-81. https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.29.2.244