Webometric Study of IIT Libraries Websites

  • Bhupendra Ratha
  • Leena Joshi
  • G.H.S. Naidu
Keywords: Webpage, website, webometrics, IIT library, web analysis, link analysis


The paper presents an analysis of design and structure of the library websites of IITs. It found significantdifferences according to some important point of view such as the user supporting services, number of hyperlinkson home pages and whole websites, number of images, location of images, In-active links and web pages, etc.The paper finally looks the design and structure of the library websites of IITs.


How to Cite
Ratha, B., Joshi, L., & Naidu, G. (2012). Webometric Study of IIT Libraries Websites. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 32(3). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.32.3.2382