Traditional Knowledge Protection: An Indian Prospective

  • Mangala Hirwade
  • Anil Hirwade
Keywords: Traditional knowledge, indigenous knowledge, biopiracy, traditional knowledge digital library, intellectual property rights


Traditional knowledge is an important element of the intellectual and cultural heritage of indigenous peoples.It reflects their social and historical identity and significantly contributes to the future well-being and sustainabledevelopment. This paper analyses the features of indigenous knowledge, protection of traditional knowledgein India and its benefits, biopiracy issues, and Indian experience. It further discusses the national and internationalinitiatives and Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, its benefits and outcomes against biopiracy.

Author Biography

Mangala Hirwade
How to Cite
Hirwade, M., & Hirwade, A. (2012). Traditional Knowledge Protection: An Indian Prospective. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 32(3).
Special Issue on Visualising Libraries