Knowledge Sharing Tools and Technology: An Overview

  • B. Ramesh Babu
  • S. Gopalakrishnan
Keywords: Knowledg sharing tols, knwedg mant, kowledg sharing, kowledg sharing cultre, knowledge creation, knowledge disdemination


The study of knowledge sharing— the means by which an individual/organisation obtains access to any individual's own and other knowledge—has emerged as a key research area from a broad and deep field of study on technology transfer and innovation, and more recently from the field of strategic
management. Increasingly, knowledge-sharing research has moved to an organisational learning perspective. Indeed, experience and research suggests that successful knowledge sharing involves extended learning processes rather than simple communication processes, as ideas related to development and innovation need. This paper provides basic concepts of knowledge sharing and its means of implementation.

DOI: 10.14429/djlit.28.5.211

How to Cite
Ramesh Babu, B., & Gopalakrishnan, S. (1). Knowledge Sharing Tools and Technology: An Overview. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(5), 19-26.