Knowledge Management and Sharing through Interactive Web-based E-learning and Training Opportunities for Lifelong Learning in Developing Countries

  • S.C. Kumaresan
Keywords: Knowledg mant, kowledg sharing, e-larnig, mplcitknowledg, taciknowledg, xplict knowledg, KMS


The paper elaborates on the importance of web-based knowledge sharing (KS) and management opportunities in large organisations and institutions and the concept of electronic learning (e-learning) in developing countries. It looks at some of the key issues of e-learning and knowledge management (KM) with the help of information and communication technologies; the potential benefits and drawbacks of such KS. The paper also discusses some of the areas of implementations in different organisations and educational Institutions.

DOI: 10.14429/djlit.28.5.210

How to Cite
Kumaresan, S. (1). Knowledge Management and Sharing through Interactive Web-based E-learning and Training Opportunities for Lifelong Learning in Developing Countries. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(5), 13-17.