A Meta Analysis on the Correlation Between Traditional Metric Indicators and X Metrics of Library and Information Science Articles

Keywords: Traditional metrics, X metrics, Twitter, Twitter metrics, Altmetrics, Pooled correlation


Many researchers have examined citation-altmetric associations producing a wide range of observations. The
negative and positive associations between these two metrics at various correlation levels create controversy in
considering these metrics as replacements or complements for the research impact measurement. Very few studies tried to clarify this controversy by venturing into systematic analysis. Thus, the present study aims to find a solution by using meta-analysis to measure the Pooled Correlation Coefficient (PCOR) between the classic metric indicators and X metrics. Eligible articles for the analysis were chosen through Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Majorly Dimesions.ai, ResearchGate, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were searched and 10 articles were found eligible and selected for the analysis. The investigated articles showed positive and negative correlations between classic and X metrics ranging from -0.04 to 0.68. These articles were subjected to meta-analysis using the Random Effect Model (REM). The study found that the articles’ PCOR was positive and measured at 0.18. Thus, the X metric complements the classic metrics for the quick Library and Information Science (LIS) research impact measurement.

How to Cite
C., V. (2024). A Meta Analysis on the Correlation Between Traditional Metric Indicators and X Metrics of Library and Information Science Articles. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 44(5), 307-313. https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.44.5.19841
Research Paper