Presence-Centered Assessment of Virtual Museums’ Technologies
Virtual reality, virtual museums, virtual environments, virtual exhibitions, augmented reality
The sense of Presence is a crucial issue in virtual environments and can provide effectiveness and user engagement. A research undertaken in virtual museum websites investigated the level of Presence, the sense of being in the virtual environment and their interconnections with the various technologies they use for presenting their cultural exhibits. The main aim of the study was to explore the differences in Presence experience according to the IT tools they use.
DOI: 10.14429/djlit.28.4.197
How to Cite
Sylaiou, S., Karoulis, A., Stavropoulos, Y., & Patias, P. (2010). Presence-Centered Assessment of Virtual Museums’ Technologies. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(4), 55-62.
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