Impact of E Resources Consortium on Research Productivity of Centrally Funded Technical Institutes in India

Keywords: E-Resources Consortia, Research trend analysis, Scientometrics, Bibliometrics, Impact analysis, Mapping Science, CFTIs


The main objective of the study is to find the impact of the e-resources consortium on the research output of the publications of Centrally Funded Technical Institutes in India (CFTIs) using the scientometric analysis. A total of fifty-seven institutes were taken for analysis for the period of three decades from 1991 to 2020. A total of 401171 publication records were extracted from the Scopus bibliographic database using the affiliations search. The research publications of CFTIs increased 14 times in 2015-2020 compared to 1991-1995, and the trend continuously increases. In a decade-wise comparison of the publications per institute in 1991-2000 versus 2011-2020, it grew 4.72 times. The correlation of research publications and research output analysis using the compound annual growth rate of CFTIs in 1991-2001 was 4.38 %, whereas 11.82 % in 2002-2020. The preferred publication sources are largely journals 71.61 %, and conference proceedings 22.08 %. Positive correlation was found between the accessibility of scholarly journals and the research output of CFTIs after the INDEST-AICTE Consortium. The increase in publications of IISc, IITs and NITs are 2.63 times, 8.09 times, and 55.57 times respectively.

How to Cite
Chavan, S. B., & Keshava, P. (2024). Impact of E Resources Consortium on Research Productivity of Centrally Funded Technical Institutes in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 44(1), 10-16.
Research Paper