Potential of Augmented Reality in Optimization of Military Libraries Services

A Review

  • Pramod Kumar Singh University of Jammu, Jammu - 180 006, India
  • Pooja Rana University of Jammu, Jammu - 180 006, India
Keywords: Augmented reality, Military libraries, Technology


Augmented Reality (AR) overlays the information of virtual objects on actual surfaces and enhances learners’ experience. As AR is becoming an increasingly important part of military training, military libraries can provide a cohesive experience using the latest advent of AR and core library science components to meet the military community’s ever-dynamic needs. Since augmented reality is in a developing phase, this paper aims to know the potential of AR Military libraries service by conducting a systematic review of papers published in the Scopus database. AR in military libraries can enhance learning interest, perception of situation awareness, and adequate decision support. AR can offer great solutions to facilitate the controlling capabilities of military trainees and reduce cognitive load and stress. Its application in military libraries includes information filtering, 3D visualization, and extending digital threads. However, despite many limitations of AR usage, its applicability in military libraries can improvise the extensive pool of knowledge and experience to deal with warfare situations to improve capabilities of reaction and response in real-time war situations to improve the controlling capabilities of military trainees include tactical simulation, judgment in operations, assignment, and military simulations.

How to Cite
Singh, P. K., & Rana, P. (2023). Potential of Augmented Reality in Optimization of Military Libraries Services. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 42(6), 404-413. https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.42.6.18191
Research Paper