Users Awareness and Usage of Open Educational Resources in Central Universities of North India

Keywords: Open educational resources, OER, Users awareness of OER, Users ‘studies, Users’ expectations, OER survey


Technological advancements and open educational resources (OER) together have opened up wider opportunities to access globally created educational resources by anyone across the globe. A paradigm shift has been witnessed in the format of learning resources, their access methods, and the medium of delivery of the knowledge content. The findings of this research reveal that the academic community of central universities (CU) of North India is well aware of open educational resources. E PG Path Shala is the most popular and most widely used, followed by NPTEL and YouTube. The majority of users use OERs as and when they require them. The purpose of using OERs for the majority of respondents is to prepare class notes. Most of the faculty and research scholars use OERs to improve their professional competency. The majority of respondents desired that the institutions should provide free internet/Wi-Fi on campus and should also provide regular updates about OERs.

Author Biography

Madhu Midha, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala - 144 603, India
How to Cite
Midha, M., & Kumar, J. (2021). Users Awareness and Usage of Open Educational Resources in Central Universities of North India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 42(1), 47-56.
Research Paper