Web 2.0 Tools in Library Web Pages: Survey of Universities and Institutes of National Importance of West Bengal

  • Sandip Majumdar
Keywords: Blog, Wiki, RSS, podcast, social bookmarking, myspace, facebook, West Bengal


The present article is a web survey of Library web pages of different Universities as well as Institutesof National Importance web sites of the state of West Bengal regarding application of Web 2.0 technologyand tools to enhance library services to patrons. Brief introduction to different Web 2.0 tools such as Blog,Wiki, RSS, Podcast, etc. is given. Based on the analysis of collected data, a few questions are raised to bedug deeper into the malady of present condition.

doi: 10.14429/djlit.32.2.1594

How to Cite
Majumdar, S. (2012). Web 2.0 Tools in Library Web Pages: Survey of Universities and Institutes of National Importance of West Bengal. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.32.2.1594