India, Open Access, the Law of Karma and the Golden Rule

  • Stevan Harnad
  • Alma Swan
Keywords: OA, self-archiving, S&T, citation impact, OAI, India


India needs to adopt a national Open Access self-archiving mandate for all of its research institutions and funders. The principle is simple, it is already embodied in India’s Law of Karma as well as in the West’s ‘Golden Rule’: ‘Self-Archive Unto Others As You Would Have Them Self-Archive Unto You’. If India sets the example, by officially adopting and implementing this rule, India’s own research access and impact will be maximised, the rest of the world will follow India’s example, and research progress worldwide will be the beneficiary.

How to Cite
Harnad, S., & Swan, A. (1). India, Open Access, the Law of Karma and the Golden Rule. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 28(1), 35-40.