Information Literacy Instruction Determining the Place of Library Professionals

  • Vishal Dattatray Bapte Knowledge Resource Centre, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati - 444 602, India
Keywords: Information literacy, Information literacy instruction, Teacher-librarian collaboration, Information literacy models, Lifelong learning, Information literacy assessment, Critical thinking, Information Professionals


The present article is a review of information literacy (IL) outlook in the present academic perspective. The conceptual evolvement of the concept IL stands for wide attention it has got by the theorists.  The paper discusses as how from the traditional bibliographical instruction, it has been advanced as a tool for library and information professionals to streamline the profession and their position. Although the term exist with different tags, it’s worth and performance has been considered more essential than the nomenclature. While being an integral part of formal education system, library professionals have to play dominant role in imparting informal education also. Yet the expected outcome of IL can only be achieved with the collaborative endeavor of library professionals and teaching staff. The existing models of information literacy instruction (ILI) have also been highlighted along with brief overview of information literacy content. Since IL is the basic pre-requisite of lifelong learning, the article exhorts international, national and local governments should have information policies and strategies with emphasis on assessment. ILIAC model developed by Oakleaf is noteworthy in this respect. Library professionals are predictable to play a key role in extending cognitive abilities of the users to make IL to be a great success. As such a brief review of their expected role is undertaken.

Author Biography

Vishal Dattatray Bapte, Knowledge Resource Centre, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati - 444 602, India

Mr Vishal D. Bapte has been working as Assistant Librarian in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university, Amravati, and Maharashtra since 2012. He is the Head of Acquisition Section, Periodical Section and Circulation Section of the Knowledge Resource Centre. Previously, he worked as a Librarian in Shankarlal Khandelwal College, Akola. His special areas of interest are collection development, library automation and information literacy and bibliometrics.



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How to Cite
Bapte, V. (2019). Information Literacy Instruction Determining the Place of Library Professionals. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 39(1), 39-46.
Research Paper