Lotka’s Applicability on Global Dengue Research Publication : A Scientometric Study

  • Sadik Batcha Mohamed Dept. of Library and Information Science Annamalai University Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu South India 608002
Keywords: Scientometrics, Lotka’s law, Lotka’s empirical law, Lotka’s exponent value, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Dengue research output


Dengue is currently regarded globally as the most important mosquito-borne viral disease. The true impact of dengue globally is difficult to ascertain due to factors such as inadequate disease surveillance, misdiagnosis, and low levels of reporting. Currently available data likely grossly underestimates the social, economic, and disease burden. Estimates of the global incidence of dengue infections per year have ranged between 50 million and 200 million, there are about 6,031 research paper collectively contributed by 22,234 scientist published in 6007 scientific periodicals in recent 8 years as the focus on this fever attracts attention of Scientists at the considerable rate. The present paper attempts to check the applicability of Lotka’s Law on the global publication on Dengue. The study lights on Lotka’s empirical law of scientific productivity, i.e., Inverse Square Law, to measure the scientific productivity of authors, to test Lotka’s Exponent value and the K.S test for the fitness of Lotka’s Law.

Author Biography

Sadik Batcha Mohamed, Dept. of Library and Information Science Annamalai University Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu South India 608002

Dr. M. Sadik Batcha, has done his MLIS, MPhil and PhD from Annamalai University. Presently working as the Associate Professor in Deprtment of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University. His area of research includes Scieentometrics, Altmetrics. He has published 60 research papers in journals.

How to Cite
Mohamed, S. (2018). Lotka’s Applicability on Global Dengue Research Publication : A Scientometric Study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 38(4), 266-270. https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.38.4.12361
Research Paper